Classroom Economy
The link may be used for the following:
Checking your bank account
Applying for a job
Buying supplies or items from the classroom store
Deposit/Withdraw Money
Fill out a green bank slip and give it to the Class Banker.āā
Class banker will complete the transaction and give your receipt back.
Check your account and ensure the transaction has been processed correctly.
You may keep or toss the receipt.
Classroom Store:ā
Buy supply or item in the ClassBank website.ā
Fill out an order form and give it to the Store Clerk.
Store Clerk will complete the transaction and give your receipt back along with the item purchased.
You may keep or toss the receipt.
Infraction Tickets (Fines)ā
If you've received a ticket:ā
Withdraw the money from the ClassBank.ā
Give the money along with the ticket to the Peace Officer.
The Peace Officer will mark your fine paid.
Reminder: If you have a negative bank account, you may only "borrow" money for supplies, not rewards. ā